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The most frequently asked interview question in Korea


How to answer the most frequently asked interview question in Korea?


In almost every job interview in Korea, you will be asked one, seemingly easy, but very important question. The question is “What do you know about our company?” or “Tell us everything you know about our company”.


Let’s explore the reasons behind asking, “Tell us everything you know about our company,” and key points for answering it.


Reasons for Asking About Company Knowledge


Firstly, it’s to verify loyalty to the company. During actual interviews, sometimes people who aren’t genuinely interested in the company claim to be enthusiastic. At that point, companies verify their sincerity by asking how well they know about the company. Secondly, it’s to check the interviewee’s ability to gather market information. Interviewers assess their knowledge of the industry and understanding of their company. This also helps in verifying their loyalty. Thirdly, it’s to find candidates who can answer even the most trivial questions perfectly. Though rare, some interviewers do ask such questions. Seeing a candidate respond smartly to smart questions shows that their answers are sensible and positively impacts their score.


What is the method to perfectly answer even trivial questions?

It's what everyone emphasizes as their "secret weapon." By organizing your secret weapons, you can answer any question effectively. However, the most important thing is to verify loyalty to the company. Typically, companies that are not well-known and have information shrouded in mystery ask such questions. These are usually mid-sized and small companies. Research the company thoroughly before the interview. Including well-researched information in your answers is crucial. This can be done by aligning your answers with your pre-written motivations for applying. The best way to gather information and write about your motivations and the company’s promotion is through "employee interviews." Regardless of the size of the company, make sure to interview current employees.


Answer Preparation Process

Let’s look into the process of preparing answers. Get the basic summarized information from financial statements, the company website, or newspaper articles. Going to an interview without thorough preparation is a sure way to fail. Always confirm the official information about the company. Conduct as many interviews with current employees as possible. Research a minimum of five to as many as ten employees per company, and then write your motivations and promotional content based on common themes. The best way to do this is through "employee interviews." Interviews with current employees help you understand not only your interests and the company’s competitiveness, but also capture the language and insights of actual employees, making your responses more powerful. Interpret and present this information in your own way. Finally, to conclude your answer, summarize the company’s new business plans and competitive edge. Highlight how the interviewed company pursues its key business areas. Present basic information about the company with constructive and optimistic content.


 Key Point! Employee interviews are also a secret weapon. Make sure to conduct them!

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