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E-7 visa for Korea


What is an E-7 visa?

This type of Visa is for foreign nationals of special ability, specifically, for people who want to engage in activities designated by the Minister of Justice after being invited by a public, or private organization.

Or simply put, the E-7 is a professional working visa for Korea. 

There are 85 occupations designated by the Minister of Justice in order to strengthen particular industries through introducing foreign workers who have expertise in knowledge, techniques or capacities. 

In order to get an E-7 visa, you must first find a job related to one of these 85 occupations.

List of Occupations for E-7 visa

*Previous job code 

Professional Occupations (E-7-1) (Total: 67 occupations)

1. Manager Level (15 occupations)

1) S110 Executives of economic profit making organization 경제이익단체 고위임원

2) 1120 Executives of corporation 기업 고위임원(

3) 1212 *1202 Business Management 경영지원 관리자

4) 1312 Education Administrator 교육 관리자

5) 1320 Insurance and Financial Manager 보험 및 금융관리자

6) 1340 Culture, Arts, Design and Image Related Manager 문화·예술·디자인 및 영상관련 관리자

7) 1350 Manager for Information and Communication 정보통신관련 관리자(

8) 1390 Professionals in Service Industries 기타 전문서비스 관리자

9) 1411 Manager in Construction or Mining 건설 및 광업 관련 관리자

10) 1413 Manager in Manufacturing Products 제품 생산관련 관리자

11) 14901 Manager in Agriculture or Fisheries 농림·어업관련 관리자

12) 1511 Sales Manager 영업 및 판매 관련 관리자

13) 1512 Shipping Manager 운송관련 관리자

14) 1521 Manager in Accommodation, Travel, or Sports 숙박·여행·오락 및 스포츠 관련 관리자

15) 1522 Manager in Food Service 음식서비스관련 관리자

2. Specialists (52 occupations)

1) 2111 Specialist in Life Science 생명과학 전문가

2) 2112 Specialist in Natural Science 자연과학 전문가

3) 2122 Researcher in Social Science 사회과학 연구원

4) 2211 Computer Hardware Developer 컴퓨터 하드웨어 기술자

5) 2212 Telecommunication Engineer 통신공학 기술자

6) 2221 Computer System Designer and Analyst 컴퓨터시스템 설계 및 분석가

7) 2222 System Software Developer 시스템 소프트웨어 개발자

8) 2223 Application Software Developer 응용 소프트웨어 개발자

9) 2224 *2228 Web Developer 웹 개발자

10) 2231 *2224 Database Developer 데이터 전문가

11) 2232 *2225 Network System Developer 네트워크시스템 개발자

12) 2233 *2226 Computer Security Specialist 정보 보안 전문가

13) 2311 Architect 건축가

14) 2312 Architectural Engineer 건축공학 기술자

15) 2313 *2312 Civil Engineer 토목공학 전문가

16) 2314 *2313 Landscape Architect 조경 기술자

17) 2315 *2314 City of Traffic Planning Specialist 도시 및 교통관련 전문가

18) 2321 Chemical Engineer 화학공학 기술자

19) 2331 Metal or Material Engineer 금속·재료 공학 기술자

20) 2341 *2351 Electrical Engineer 전기공학 기술자

21) 2342 *2352 Electronic Engineer 전자공학 기술자

22) 2351 *2353 Mechanical Engineer 기계공학 기술자

23) 23512 *23532 Plant Engineer 플랜트공학 기술자

24) 2352 Robotics Engineer 로봇공학 전문가

25) S2353 Engineer for Automobile, Marine, Aircraft, and Railroad Car 자동차·조선·비행기·철도차량공학 전문가

26) 2364 Industrial Safety and Hazard Expert 산업안전 및 위험 전문가

27) 2371 *2341 Environmental Engineer 환경공학 기술자

28) 2372 *2393 Gas and Energy Engineer 가스·에너지 기술자

29) 2392 Textile Engineer 섬유공학 기술자

30) 2395 *2396 Computer-Aided Design, CAD 제도사

31) 2430 Nurse 간호사

32) 2512 University Lecturer 대학 강사

33) 2543 Instructor at Global Technical Institution 해외기술전문학교 기술강사

34) 2591 *25919 Other Education-Related Expert 교육관련 전문가

35) 2599 Foreigner’s School – Foreign Education Institution – International School – School for Gifted Children’s Teachers 외국인학교·외국교육기관·국제학교·영재학교 등의 교사

36) 261 Legal Expert 법률 전문가

37) 2620 Government Administration Expert 정부 및 공공 행정 전문가

38) S2620 Special Administrative Institution Officers 특수기관 행정요원

39) 2715 Management and Diagnosis Experts 경영 및 진단 전문가

40) 272 Finance and Insurance Expert 금융 및 보험 전문가

41) 2731 Merchandiser 상품기획 전문가

42) 2732 Travel Package Developer 여행상품 개발자

43) 2733 Advertisement and Promotion Expert 광고 및 홍보 전문가

44) 2734 Research Expert 조사 전문가

45) 2735 Event Planner 행사 기획자

46) 2742 International Sales Clerks 해외 영업원

47) 2743 Technology Sales Representative 기술 영업원

48) S2743 Technology Management Expert 기술경영 전문가

49) 2814 Translator / Interpreter 번역가·통역가

50) 28331 Announcer 아나운서

51) 285 Designer 디자이너

52) S2855 Image Related Designer 영상관련 디자이너

Semi-professional (E-7-2) (Total: 9 occupations)

1. Office worker (4 occupations)

1) 31215 Sales Staff in duty-free shop or Jeju English City 면세점 또는 제주영어교육도시 내 판매 사무원

2) 31264 Air Transport 항공운송 사무원

3) 3922 Hotel Receptionist 호텔 접수 사무원

4) S3922 Medical Coordinator 의료 코디네이터

5) 3991 Customer Service Clerk 객상담 사무원

2. Service Worker (4 occupations)

1) 431 Shipping Service Worker 운송 서비스 종사자

2) 43213 Tourism Interpretation Guide 관광 통역 안내원

3) 43291 Casino Dealer 카지노 딜러

4) 441 Chef or Cook 주방장 및 조리사

General Skilled Labors (E-7-3) (Total: 6 occupations)

1) 61395 Zookeeper 동물 사육사

2) 6301 Aquaculture Engineer 양식기술자

3) 7103 Halal Butcher 할랄 도축원

4) 7303 Musical Instrument Manufacturer and Tuner 악기제조 및 조율사

5) 7430 Shipbuilding Welding Technician 조선용접공

6) 7521 Airplane Technician 항공기 정비원

Skilled Technique Workers (Point System) (E-7-4) (Total: 3 occupations)

1) S740 Skilled Technician in Root Industry 뿌리산업체 숙련기능공(

2) S610 Skilled Technician in Agriculture, Animal, Husbandry, and Fishery 농림축산어업 숙련기능인

3) S700 Skilled Technicians At General Manufacturing and Construction Companies 일반 제조업체 및 건설업체 숙련기능공

You are eligible to apply if you have:

- over 5 years of experience in a related field.

- a bachelor's degree + at least 1 years experience in a related field.

- a master's degree or higher in a related field.

You can also apply for E-7 if you have:

- worked at one of the World's Top 500 companies for at least one year.

- graduated from one of Times top 200 or QS 500 universities.

- graduated from a Korean college or university.

*In these cases, even if you do not satisfy the education and work experience requirements, you will be allowed to apply for the visa if the need for your employment is considered 'necessary'.

Required documents (prepared by you):

- Passport and a copy of it (여권)

- Alien Registration Card (now called the “Residence Card”) (외국인 등록증)

- Passport size photo (3.5 x 4.5 cm) (여권사진)

- Visa Application Form No.34 (통합신청서)

- 130,000won -processing fee

- Degree certificate (+ apostle if needed)

- Employment certificate (+ apostle if needed)

In some cases additional documents might be required (ex. tuberculosis tests)

Required documents (prepared by the company):

- Copy of Employment Contract (근로 계약서)

- Company registration certificate (사업자 등록증)

- List of current insured employees (사업장 가입자 명부)

- Documents proving the necessity of hiring a foreigner, explain what they will be doing, and claiming responsibility for the employee (고용사유서 + 활용계획서 + 신원보증서)

Some unlucky people might be asked to prepare these documents by themselves. If this is the case, contact us :)

For the consultation service apply here.


Total Comments: 6

Personal information manager : Junhyuck Kim

Address : 502-473, 581 Cheongneung-daero,
Namdong-gu, Incheon, South Korea
Contact :
tel) 010-5250-3694

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